Northland Social & Behavioral Supports
Solution-Focused Social, Emotional & Behavioral Services
Mission Statement
Northland Social & Behavioral Supports provides evidence-based, solution-focused services to support the emotional, behavioral, social, and developmental needs of individuals and their families. Our highly skilled and professionally accomplished clinicians deliver exceptional services. We are passionate about improving our clients’ overall quality of life as they strive towards their fullest potential.
Northland Supports offers a variety of highly individualized, solution-focused services. We specialize in serving those with autism, developmental disabilities, and mental health diagnoses. Our team of dedicated professionals strive to meet our clients’ goals and seek to increase their overall quality of life. Additionally, we recognize how invaluable our clients’ natural supports are and we enjoy working closely with their families, caregivers, and staff. Our trained and experienced consultants utilize evidence-based practices as they provide in-home and community-based services. Northland Supports is passionate about seeing each individual we serve reach their full potential.
Meet our Leader
Jeff has over 30 years of experience as a solution-focused clinician in various treatment settings, including psychiatric hospitals, residential treatment, in-home/community, and clinic. He specializes in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including behavioral assessment & supports as well as Social Learning skills. Jeff is a trauma-informed clinician and specializes in treating individuals with a range of trauma-related conditions including developmental trauma, PTSD, anxiety, phobias, and acute stress reaction. Jeff is skilled in facilitating EMDR and has specialized training in mindfulness and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).